Travel Information


Transportation shuttles are going to be available from the airport and hotels through Best Express airport shuttles.  To reserve a shuttle, please click here.

New Mother Services and Childcare Services at the 10th IAC

For nursing mothers

The America’s Center provides a complimentary MAMAVA mobile lactation suite, a “lactation pod for nursing and breastfeeding mamas on the go.”  The suite offers a clean, comfortable and private option for pumping and breastfeeding. There is an electric outlet in the pod for convenience, but no refrigerator. Ask at the IAC Registration Desk for the location of the pod.


For attendees in need of childcare while in St. Louis, the America’s Center recommends their preferred partner, TLC Familycare. Check their website for details –  You will see that they provide a wide range of services from hotel babysitters to daycare.

TLC Familycare


We may have limited funding to support childcare for IAC registrants. If interested, please contact Conference Chair Pratim Biswas – for details.